There is an ancient spiritual adage that says, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears."

School of Manifesting logo

It has been a lifelong dream of mine to create a Wisdom School, one where we can learn about our Inner Senses and Higher Powers in a thorough, yet rigorous way without being inundated with Abrahamic religious ideas. The religions that call to me are so much older!

This School is for the Spiritual but not Religious seeker. For the person whose soul knows there is deeper knowledge out there and who longs to understand their place and purpose in the Universe.

It is often said that religion is for people who don't want to go to hell, spirituality is for people who have already been there. It is also said that spirituality is about a direct connection with God, for those needing no intermediary. Our classes teach you to make that direct connection and sustain it when life gets difficult.

Spirituality is an inner has nothing to do with anything outside of us. Not our behavior, not our possessions, nor even where we go (or don't go) to church. It has nothing to do with candles or crystals, crosses or teaching symbols. Spirituality is about constantly maintaining and improving our connection with the energy that creates worlds, and in connection with that, improving who we are as individuals and how we show up in the world.

Lorna Levy

We teach classes that remind you who you are, remind you of your innate abilities and that encourage you to grow into your highest values. We do that by merging the latest discoveries in science with the ancient wisdom of the perennial spiritual teachings, using right and left brain learning techniques for a fun and engaging experience, so that you really get it. You embody a new way of being.

We want to create grounded spiritual people of high integrity and compassionate sensitivity. People of spiritual maturity with loving kindness and forgiveness for all beings.

The School of Manifesting is led by the vision of Lorna Levy, known worldwide as The Law of Attraction Teacher, and we are guided by our Board of Directors.

We are always offering new courses. Come back often and see what’s new.

Contact Us at:
Lorna Sophia Levy
Dir (at)

If you have created a class that you would like to offer at SofM, please get in touch and let us know.

The School of Manifesting ( is a recognized 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We are a member community of the Centers for Spiritual Living. Your tax-deductible donations and tithes are used to help us expand the courses we offer to underserved groups, as well as assist in funding research into spirit and science. To donate, click here! or Text ‘spiritual’ to 855-735-(2437) to give. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.